Guide for Operator Card and Boat Inspection
License, inspection and registration are required for the support boats/drivers in Japan. However, overseas teams may be exempted from such requirements during the limited period (Oct 2016 – Aug 2020) for driving in the navigation are by obtaining “Operator Card” (for exemption of driver license) and “Certificate Sticker” (for exemption of boat registration)
For driving support boats in the limited period
(Oct 2016 – Aug 2020) to drive in the Olympic venue area
Please read JSAF support boat regulation before applying.

Operator Card
for exemption of driver license
The operator card will be issued by the Japanese Government (MLIT), through JSAF.
Applicants should prepare below documents. (It will take 30 days to issue the card.)
Application form (with signature)
Photo (No cap / sunglasses)
Required documents below:
Country with driving license system
=> Copy of the license
Country without driving license system
=> Endorsement from MNA and a copy of passport
【Endorsement for Operator Card】
The cards will be given at Enoshima directly to the driver.

Boat Inspection – Non Japanese Registration

Certificate Sticker
for exemption of boat registration
The Boat Inspection will be issued by the Japanese Government (MLIT), through JSAF.
Applicants should apply at least 30 days before estimated arrival date of the coach boats.
Please prepare the copy of boat inspection if you have.
JSAF will issue a “Certificate Sticker” after checking the boat in Japan.
Navigation area

Area Surrounded by the points below
① Left bank side of Hikichi river 2 chome Kugenuma Kaigan Fujisawa city
② N 35 14 52 E 139 28 12 (GPS:35.24779N、139.46990E)
③ N 35 12 58 E 139 32 25 (GPS:35.22452N、139.52583E)
④ N 35 13 10 E 139 37 20 Right bank side of Matsukoshi river
2 chome Nagasaka Yokosuka city

1 General
1.1 This Support Team Regulations shall apply for the coach boats for 32nd Olympic Games (2020 Tokyo)
including practicing or participating any events beforehand in the limited period and areas indicated below:
Applied Period:from 1st October 2016 to 31st August 2020
Applied Area: Area Surrounded by the points below (see appendix)
①Left bank side of Hikichi river
2 chome Kugenuma Kaigan Fujisawa city
②N 35 14 52 E 139 28 12
③N 35 12 58 E 139 32 25
④N 35 13 10 E139 37 20
Right bank side of Matsukoshi river
2 chome Nagasaka Yokosuka city
1.2 For the purpose of these regulations. A coach boat includes any boat that is under the control of direction
of a person who is or may provide physical or advisory support to an athlete, including the gathering of
data that may be used at a later time.
1.3 Each team should appoint a leader who will be responsible for the coach boat(s). Name of the leader and
contact email address/phone number must be given to Japan Sailing Federation (JSAF). If there is a change,
it must be reported to JSAF.
All procedure will be done thru the team leader and JSAF will provide necessary information to the leader.
1.4 JSAF may inspect boats at any time to ensure that they comply with these regulations, and the person
responsible for the boat shall facilitate such inspection.
1.5 An alleged breach of any of these regulations may be referred to JSAF Disciplinary Committee for a hearing.
As a result of the hearing, JSAF Disciplinary Committee may instruct JSAF to withdraw accreditation and
access rights from the driver or person in charge, with or without the option of substitution, either for
aspecified period or for the remainder of the competition. Note also, action may be taken under RRS 69 or
World Sailing Regulation 35.
1.6 JSAF may change these regulations at any time. Any changes will be posted on JSAF web site and become
1.7 JSAF may, at its discretion, refuse the use of coach boats not deem to be suitable.
1.8 Non-Japanese coach boats or designated drivers without holding Japanese boat drivers license must apply
to JSAF beforehand. On the first day at the venue, coach boats should be inspected and receive
confirmation by JSAF. Drivers should get their operator cards issued by the Japanese Government (MLIT)
through JSAF.
1.8.1 Each boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum coverage of €1,500,000
(or equivalent) per incident.
1.8.2 Only those who applied and received operator card or holding Japanese driver’s license may be designated
1.8.3 The team leader registering the coach boat shall confirm that:
(a) the coach boat has applied in advance and already got the certificate by JSAF (no needed if the owner of
the charter boat is Japanese).
(b) a valid insurance certification showing proof of third-party liability coverage as required by 1.8.1has
been obtained.
(c) each designated driver has a Japanese motorboat driver license or Operator Card issued by the
Japanese Government (MLIT) through JSAF.
(d) anyone who will be using a radio has an appropriate radio operation license recognized by JSAF.
1.9 Coach boats shall be marked with the applicable national sail letters (RRSG1.1) clearly displayed on both
sides of the boat in strongly contrasting colors at all times while afloat. The minimum height for the letters
shall be 200mm. The letters will not be provided by JSAF. In addition, the certificate sticker should be
displayed on the boat clearly.
2. Certificate Sticker and Operator Card at the restricted area
2.1.1 License, inspection and registration are required for the coach boats/drivers in Japan. However, for the
overseas team who applied in advance, special exemption will be applied in the limited period and
navigation area.
2.1.2 Regarding 2.1.1, Team leader should submit the application form prepared by JSAF, including specifications
of the boat in advance. JSAF will issue a “Certificate Sticker” after checking the boat in Japan.
2.2.1 In Japan, Japanese boat license is required for driving the boat. However, special exemption will be applied
if you get the operator card issued by the Japanese Government (MLIT), through JSAF at the limited period
and area written on 1.1.
2.2.2 For Operator Card written on 2.2.1, the team leader shall gather the application forms, photos and
required documents below:
・Country with driving license system: Copy of the license
・Country without driving license system: Endorsement from MNA and a copy of passport
from designated drivers and send to JSAF. Japanese Government (MLIT) will issue Operator Card which is
alternative to the driving license.
2.3 Each time when the certificated coach boats come in or go out of the navigation area, it should be reported
to JSAF.
2.4 Certificated coach boats must be berthed at the harbor within the area stated in 1.1 and should be
reported to JSAF.
2.5 There are many fishing nets in this area. For any reason, no damages should be caused to the net. JSAF will
try to provide the latest information on fishing nets on the website. However even if there’s a difference,
obligation to avoid the fishing nets won’t be exempted.
2.6 Even in the period and area stated in 1.1, if the purpose of using the boat is other than advisory support to
an athlete, including the gathering of data, Japanese boat inspection and Japanese driving license is
2.7 If using the boat out of the period and area stated in 1.1, Japanese boat inspection and Japanese driving
license is required.
2.8 After using the coach boat, team leader should take it out of Japan by the end of date stated in1.1.
3. Safety
3.1 Coach boats shall carry on board:
(a) life jackets/aid for all passengers and the driver;
(b) first-aid kit;
(c) Communication equipment with GPS (Smart Phone etc);.
(d) device for making a sound signal;
(e) compass;
(f) adequate anchor for conditions and depth;
(g) 2 ropes (minimum 15m long and 10mm thick);
(h) operational engine kill cord (also known as a safety lanyard or automatic engine immobilizer);
(i) hand pump or bailer;
(j) knife
It is strongly recommended that the kill cord is used at all times when the engine is running.
3.2 Coach boats must have ISO International Standards.
3.3 Life jackets must be worn at all times when afloat.
3.4 Navigation time is only between sunrise and sunset.
3.5 The maximum plated / certificated passenger limits for the boat shall never exceed.
3.6 Team leaders are responsible for overseeing the safe operation of their coach boats on the water, including
knowledge of who is afloat and ensuring their safe return to the venue.
3.7 Designated drivers of the coach boats must follow the order of the person in charge of JSAF. It includes
assistance in search and rescue operation.
3.8 Coach boas shall comply with local harbor and marina regulations, including speed limits.
3.9 In order to be prepared for emergency, team leaders must have contact system to the based harbor. When
having trouble to navigate safely, ask for rescue to the harbor immediately. It should be reported to JSAF
4. General Restrictions
4.1 The registered driver(s) of a coach boat will be responsible for the control of the boat at all times and will
be held responsible for any inappropriate behavior, dangerous actions or improper practices, or actions
afecting the fairness or safety.
4.2 Coach boats shall not leave any device, piece of equipment, buoy, marker or similar item permanently in
the water. Temporary use of floating objects is allowed for current measurement. These objects shall be
removed as soon as the measurement has been taken.
4.3 Never throw garbage from the coach boat. Don’t cause damage to environment such as oil spill.
4.4 Coach boat drivers shall not operate any boat while they are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other
chemical agents which are likely to impair in anyway their ability to perform normal operation of a boat.
4.5 Check the boat before departure of harbor.
4.6 When driving the coach boat, please watch carefully. Never go close to swimmers. Avoid a dangerous
4.7 Coach boats shall take particular care to minimize their wash when transiting the practicing area of the
other teams.