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Eliminate plastic waste from sports

The Japan Sailing Federation (JSAF) will support the new project "Hero's Pledge "1) to "Eliminate plastic waste from sports" which started in March 2024 as part of "SDGs in Sports", and JSAF will conduct the following environmental conservation activities during the upcoming "Enoshima Olympic Week 2024".


Project: Raising awareness and calling for action on the issue of single-use plastic waste at international sailing event.


Summary: Focusing on raising awareness and action on disposable plastic waste, which is a contributing factor to the marine litter problem, we will carry out activities to promote environmental preservation, such as plastic waste reduction and decarbonization promotion.


Place: Enoshima Olympic Week 2024

Enoshima Yacht Harbor and surrounding area, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture


Period: May 23(Thu.) – 26(Sun.), 2024


Target: Competitors, event officials, volunteers, visitors, etc.


Details: a) cleanup activities by volunteers from the nearest station to Enoshima Yacht Harbor and visualization of garbage by sorting and weighing.


b) Development and installation of a garbage station by children. The station will be made under the image of "What we want to preserve is the clean sea”. Ensure separation of garbage and raise awareness of the disposable plastic waste problem.


c) The water server installation and distribution of waterproof eco-bags during the event will help to raise awareness of the need to reduce disposable plastic waste and Co2 emission reduction. The SDGs contribution application will be deployed to athletes, volunteers, and others involved in the event, and awards will be given to the top three athletes who have contributed the most to environmental conservation, and the amount of CO2 emissions that the event as a whole has reduced compared to last year will be visualized.


d) At the environmental education booth, an upcycling workshop to make small bags from disposed sails and a marine plastic waste quiz event will be held.


e) Trial and demonstrate the use of a non-CO2 emitting drone mark as a mark buoy for the event.


 公益財団法人日本セーリング連盟では「SDGs in Sports」において2024年3月に開始した「スポーツ界からプラスチックごみを無くそう!」という新プロジェクト「Hero‘sPledge」1)に賛同し、来る「江の島オリンピックウィーク2024」にて下記の環境保全活動を行います。






神奈川県藤沢市 江の島ヨットハーバーおよび周辺地域







d)環境啓発ブースにおいて廃棄予定の帆をリメークして小さなバッグを作るアップサイクルワークショップ、海洋プラスチックごみクイズイベントを実施する。e)大会海面のマークブイ設置時にCo2 を排出しないドローンマークのトライアル導入及びデモンストレーションイベントを実施する。

1)    Hero’s Pledge: 






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