Notice of Race has been published.
The Notice of Race for the ASAF CUP JSAF Enoshima Olympic Week 2022 has been published.
Entry method:
Competitors shall enter by completing the entry form on the event website and paying the required fees.
Support Person shall enter by completing the entry form on the event website .(All member of support person boats needs entry)。
The early entry fee (ref. NOR 5.1.) will apply if the entry form filled out completely and the fees shall be received by the Organizing Authority no later than 24:00, 30th September 2022 (Japan Time, GMT+9).
Entries sent after the deadline indicated above, but within 11st October, will be accepted with the required Entry Fees. After that the entry will be a late entry and the entry will be accepted only at the discretion of the Organizing Authority, whose decision shall be final.